Different teacher has different teaching way. The ways are always good for us but yet it will also turn to nothing without student's co-operation. So that, student's attitude n concentration also play an important roles in class. There are some ways that i always use to keep myself alert and awake when my lecturer is teaching.Participate in class discussion during the lecturer teaching,wake up an hour earlier,take some nutrition food or supplement are the ways to keep awake when study.
Participate in class discussion during the lecturer teaching. Human beings always feel awake when they are interesting on something. Understanding what is the lecturer teaching can help us to promote interest on the topic,get rid dizziness from our brain and keep us alert all the time. Most of the students believe that their lecturer is bore but actually its just an excuses which help to console themselves from being lose focus in class, asking question is quite used to grab back yourself from others issue which is not related in class and make u sleepy. Indeed we will use our brain to analyse when we want to absorb something new that we never learn before, when our brain is functioning, that must be some question will bring up our curiousness and make us awake.
Wake up an hour earlier before leaving the house. Sounds like its going to make ourselves more tired right? But, believe it or not, its a good way to help us boost up our energy and let us feel energized during the whole day. I believed that is hard for all of us to wake up from our lovely bed early in the morning and prepare for the tiring day.
Wake up earlier,listen to some music can help us smooth down our sleepy mood and yet recharge our energy. Normally, the air is fresh in the morning indeed it can help to keep us alert and refreshing. Drowsiness will remain in our body even though after we having a night sleep, wake up earlier can helps to get rid it.
Taking some nutrition food or supplement likes vitamin-B can help us to increase our energy level. Lack of nutrient will make our body weak and sleepy will be the side effect for this issue. Take some daily supplement can help to promote healthier body. When our body is in well condition, our mind will clearly, efficiency and yet the sleepy feel will away from us automatically. Vitamins-A can helps to promote a good condition for our eyes. Eyes is an important organ to us and is the most tiring one. We use eyes every single minutes except we are sleeping or relaxing it. Eyes sore will cause us feel sleepy. So when we taking care on the other part of organ, we should take care our eyes as well to keep it in the best condition. When we are sick, the body will set a new time-table in order to helps us to get back our healthy life. Body needs lot of energy to undergoes all the "renovation" progress inside our body and for sure we will feel tired on it. In case of it, take some daily supplement to maintain our body health so that we can concentrate and stay awake all the times when attending class without any sickness.
In a nutshell, we should get ourselves ready all the times, maintain our body in the best condition, aggressive in class in order to make ourselves stay awake when the lecturer is teaching.